Wednesday 31 May 2017

Kettleburgh Suffolk - a weekend of English eccentricities.

We arrived at Church Farm in good time on a bank holiday Friday.  The roads had been very busy as expected, but once on the A1120 things were a bit better.  We pulled into an empty site and had the pick of the pitches.

The weather was warming up and we set up in the sunshine.  J and A arrived shortly after us and by 6.45pm we were heading down to the local, The Chequers.  This is a Freehouse, and used mainly by locals, who are always friendly. It seems to be a pub stuck in time, the food is good pub grub, the garden is big going down to the river, but just needs a little love.

We have a good meal, a catch up and relax. We are all looking to chill-out and after a pleasant walk back we sit out for a few glasses. 

The next morning it's hot and windy, the weather forecast is for a scorching dry day.  J and A head off to Minsmere early to avoid the heat of the day, and we head off to the coast at Southwold and manage to get parked near the pier. The temperature is pleasant here and we check out our little plaque on the north side of the pier and give it a buff up.  We had always wanted to make our little mark here and we finally did it to commemorate our 25th wedding anniversary.

Suffering with the sun in our eyes we walk up to the Post Office where we purchased sunglasses. Ironically, exiting the shop the grey clouds had massed to create a massive thundercloud. Remembering we had left the roof light fully open on the caravan meant the Southwold trip was cut short, as we dashed back to try to limit flood damage at the van! All was well, and after minor mopping up we headed to Framlingham.  Creatures of habit we walk up to The Castle and sit in the hot sun with a drink, and followed this with an ice cream from the ice cream parlour opposite.

After picking up the provisions for supper we returned to the van for a little R and R, and the inevitable snoozette.  It really was hot, too hot to do much.  When things had cooled down, homemade cheeseburgers, salad and new potatoes went down well. With strawberries and cream a bit later, accompanied with warm chat, ribbing R about on his late onset tightness with money, and finally we get to view fireworks display across the valley. from the comfort of our caravan.

Sunday was also set to be warm.  We started with a proper caravan breakfast of eggs, bacon, tomatoes and toast. 

Chores done, we set off to cool down in the car's air con. The roads were hectic so we headed off from Snape to Iken where we searched out the beautiful little church.  Such a prettily located building with the estuary as a backdrop. On the way back to the site we stopped off at The Ship Inn at Blaxhall for a lunchtime drink in the sunshine.  It was clear from the minute we pulled up that something was afoot.  There were a crowd of folk dressed in strange outfits.  Having sat down, a costumed lady explained that we were about to experience a play, to be performed on the pub forecourt, partly on the road.  The leaflet supplied explained it was a group from Leigh on Sea who performed ancient folk plays.  They were called The Thameside Mummers.  The play included some combat scenes, some hammy jokes, some group singing and lots of booing and cheering. 

Back at the site, we enjoy a buffet salad for tea and the rain set in. We have a game of pass the pigs, followed by the usual discussion about our plans following our inevitable lottery win.  This leads to reminiscing about our 2013 Ireland adventures.  Alf digs out the CD's bought at a music night in Clifton, Connemara.  We remember and sing the songs.  What a nice way to spend our last night.

Bank holiday Monday at Church Farm means Auto Jumble day! We hear the punters arriving from 6.30am.  The Auto jumble is a sale of various auto parts and various other paraphernalia.  There are probably 70-80 cars parked up and two fields of stalls. We empty our Thetford toilet cassette in the middle of the event, as we have twice before!

A quick walk around and we manage to find a metal ammo box for future use as a geocache container.  Then time to head home.  A nice quiet but hot weekend.  Not long 'til the next one...

Monday 15 May 2017

Strumphaw - hard to resist

12th-14th May 2017 (nights 16 & 17 of 2017)

After just two weeks since we stayed here with the family, we come back, just us.  When we arrive there are already 4 pitches taken.  We end up on pitch one, which is the least level.  The fiddling and faffing lasted about 20 minutes, so the time we saved rushing to the site soon evaporated with the fineries of levelling using the level, the motor mover and the inadequate chock.

The caravan adjacent prove to be the least friendly neighbours so far this year.  Not a nod, a wave, or a word for the two nights we were there. This is very unusual.  As they have no tow bar on their car, we assume that someone else has put the caravan on site for them, and thus they are not true caravanners!

The evening is sunny but windy and after sitting out for a while we retreat to the van, where it is cosy with the evening sun. We tuck into prawn and smoked salmon salad and open the wine.

The next morning we had already arranged to meet up with family for a cuppa in the van and a walk around the RSPB reserve, and are out on the reserve by 10:45am.  We get the best viewing any of us has ever had of a kingfisher who is sighted for several minutes hovering and posing on a branch overhanging the small broad.  We then have a lovely chat and walk by the river Yare - which is surprisingly wide here.

In the afternoon we head off in the car to the other side of the Yare.  We find a riverside pub called The Ferry House at Surlingham. It is a great spot but shortly after securing a table the heavy grey sky starts leaking and the wind whips up, putting my wine glass in jeopardy, so we find a table inside overlooking the river.  We have a bit of lunch, and find the staff friendly and helpful.  We then have a "chance encounter" with Derek, a lovely chap who used to run the garage we regularly used for servicing and buying cars.  Since our last meeting in the bar at the hotel at Carrow Road he has semi-retired.  He looks fantastically happy and content, and we have a great chat about life since we last met.  He points out a waymarked footpath route by the river, all the way from Norwich to Gt Yarmouth - this interests me, and I will investigate later!

Also he now has a little cabin cruiser, berthed up over at Brundall Marina.  The boat was moored by the pub, and he and his wife enjoy regularlweekend trips on the river.  No wonder he looks content, this is a lovely little backwater for a relaxing cruise.  We sort out contact details and hope to meet up and take a trip on the boat over the summer, if we manage to cross paths.

Supplies are purchased in one of the duo of Co-op shops in Brundall (two Co-ops seems a little excessive for a village of this size, but they both seem busy).  Back at site after a cuppa and a look at the Wherryman's Way route on my Ordnance Survey map, we indulge in another perfect Caravan nap.  The peacocks are quieter this weekend, and we get a good hour or so in. 

The evening meal is accompanied by the best Eurovision Song Contest we have seen for a few years.  The UK even manage over 100 points, unknown in recent times!

Sunday morning dawns damp and uninspiring, we pack up and head home via Attleborough Sainsbury's for a pick up of a new laptop  for R, after his old one sadly departed after an unfortunate wine spillage incident.  Again we don't want to come home so soon. Only two weeks until Framlingham and a long bank holiday weekend.

Monday 1 May 2017

Steamed up at Strumpshaw - May Day 2017

Following a flying one night stay at Geldeston to enjoy an unplugged music session at The Locks inn, we were quickly off site on Friday morning for the 20 minute trip to Strumpshaw nr Brundall in Norfolk. Roads were nice & quiet, and pulling into the grounds of Strumpshaw Hall & steam museum, we remember what a beautiful spot this is. All quiet apart from the resident horses based at the stables next to the magnificent mainly unused Old Hall.  After set up we were treated to one of the big organs in the Steam museum being played. Such a quirky place to stay

Our mini family rally is to be consisted of four vans for the bank holiday, and the others start to arrive later in the afternoon.  It is soon evident that in the nearby orchard, a group of local girl guides are setting up camp.  Also a new arrival next door proves to be a friendly couple who were on site with us here last summer. By 6pm everyone is in place, the two Cadac's are set up by the "Cadacians", the football is out and the wine open.  J had surpassed herself again with a cracking sausage casserole with sautéed potatoes. Followed by sublime lime and blackcurrant home baked cheesecake thanks to Sue.  We enjoy a few drinks in the awning, and leave the caravan heaters on as its a nippy night.

Saturday morning and campers are all off on their individual activities. As the RSPB reserve is 5 minutes walk away, J & A are off early with binoculars and camera.  K, J & A are off to the seaside, and the camping shop in Blofield is also on the cards for all of us! We head of for a ride to Ludham to check out the area for our July trip. Early afternoon & we head to friends Mike & Tanja in Blofield for afternoon tea.  It was lovely to sit out in their garden and enjoy pork pie, cheeses and tea & cakes with fresh strawberries.
Lots of football back at the site and Alfie Junior joins me for a walk and a bit of geocaching. We discuss clouds, horses and his favourite subject, football. Dinner is bbq burgers, beans and sweetcorn, with a big stodgy rice pudding with jam for dessert!.
Sunday brings a sunny morning, with a lot of loafing about the site , it is such a nice place to be.  The Steam Museum is open and we get to ride on a little steam train around the site. Lots more football, a few more walks and then off on a walk to the pub in Strumpshaw for a slap up lunch. The meals are huge and we shuffle back slowly for another ride on the train and a nice afternoon caravan nap.


When we all emerged from our naps, we all joined outside in the warm evening sun, with a sundowner.  We had a buffet to use up leftover supplies, and enjoyed a night of good laughs.  This place had made us all happy - apart from Alf really having it in for the mating peacocks!!