Monday 1 May 2017

Steamed up at Strumpshaw - May Day 2017

Following a flying one night stay at Geldeston to enjoy an unplugged music session at The Locks inn, we were quickly off site on Friday morning for the 20 minute trip to Strumpshaw nr Brundall in Norfolk. Roads were nice & quiet, and pulling into the grounds of Strumpshaw Hall & steam museum, we remember what a beautiful spot this is. All quiet apart from the resident horses based at the stables next to the magnificent mainly unused Old Hall.  After set up we were treated to one of the big organs in the Steam museum being played. Such a quirky place to stay

Our mini family rally is to be consisted of four vans for the bank holiday, and the others start to arrive later in the afternoon.  It is soon evident that in the nearby orchard, a group of local girl guides are setting up camp.  Also a new arrival next door proves to be a friendly couple who were on site with us here last summer. By 6pm everyone is in place, the two Cadac's are set up by the "Cadacians", the football is out and the wine open.  J had surpassed herself again with a cracking sausage casserole with sautéed potatoes. Followed by sublime lime and blackcurrant home baked cheesecake thanks to Sue.  We enjoy a few drinks in the awning, and leave the caravan heaters on as its a nippy night.

Saturday morning and campers are all off on their individual activities. As the RSPB reserve is 5 minutes walk away, J & A are off early with binoculars and camera.  K, J & A are off to the seaside, and the camping shop in Blofield is also on the cards for all of us! We head of for a ride to Ludham to check out the area for our July trip. Early afternoon & we head to friends Mike & Tanja in Blofield for afternoon tea.  It was lovely to sit out in their garden and enjoy pork pie, cheeses and tea & cakes with fresh strawberries.
Lots of football back at the site and Alfie Junior joins me for a walk and a bit of geocaching. We discuss clouds, horses and his favourite subject, football. Dinner is bbq burgers, beans and sweetcorn, with a big stodgy rice pudding with jam for dessert!.
Sunday brings a sunny morning, with a lot of loafing about the site , it is such a nice place to be.  The Steam Museum is open and we get to ride on a little steam train around the site. Lots more football, a few more walks and then off on a walk to the pub in Strumpshaw for a slap up lunch. The meals are huge and we shuffle back slowly for another ride on the train and a nice afternoon caravan nap.


When we all emerged from our naps, we all joined outside in the warm evening sun, with a sundowner.  We had a buffet to use up leftover supplies, and enjoyed a night of good laughs.  This place had made us all happy - apart from Alf really having it in for the mating peacocks!!

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