Monday 17 April 2017

Haughley Suffolk - Easter 2017

Easter always marks the real beginning of the family caravan season.  This year Easter is late and we have been hoping for mild sunny weather.   Moderate cool winds are to be the spoiler this long weekend.

We always prefer to get somewhere early by going after work, to get all the set up done.  This leaves us free on the Thurs before Easter to come home from work to the site and already be able to be free of chores.  Wednesday evening we did the final packing, headed off down the A14 and were after the usual faffing all tucked in by 7.30pm.  R was lucky enough to have been given "Maundy Thurs" off as free leave, so had a free and easy day with his bike for transport, and his guitar for company.  I, on the other hand, drove a bit further on the A14 to the place I love - Cambourne, to get through the day as quick as possible.

Time flew, as it does when you are having fun at work(!), and by 5.20pm I was back on site.  The site was not one I would have normally booked.  It was chosen through necessity as some of our group were off to The Apex at Bury St Edmunds to see Lindisfarne on Easter Saturday.  This was a newish CS site, still a work in progress really.  The field was massive but bleak, with a relatively busy train line behind.  We made it our weekend's work to get as many waves from passengers and train drivers over the four days.  However, the proximity to Bury St Edmunds, and the pretty surrounding villages made the location a good one.

By 6.30pm on Thursday all five caravans in the party were all set up, and the party "yawning" was in use from 7pm for pre Chinese drinks.  Inspired idea from one of the party to pre order Chinese from nearby Stowmarket, and by 8:15pm we were all tucking in to an excellent spread.  So easy - with hardly any washing up. Not too late to bed, had been a long day - with many of us at work. 

Good Friday was bright but with a cutting wind, it got off to a traditional and tasty start with hot cross buns toasted perfectly by Alfie Senior on the super versatile Cadac.  And we all had REAL BUTTER.

Then all the contingents headed off for the days activities. One was picking up a birthday surprise for Alfie Junior from Portman Road, two headed off to The Owl and falcon attraction at Stonham Barns, four headed off on a local walk and the final four headed for Cotton a nearby village for some Geocaching.  This is what is great about these weekends, everyone does what they like in the daytime, coming together for a camp banquet in the evening.  The catering is shared out so on this long weekend we all only had one major meal to cater for. 

We were joined when we were Geocaching by Sue and Rosey and Snoop the dog, but the walk cut short as Alfie Junior was suffering a high temperature and was not his buzzy self, having reported to have been feeling quite "drifty" which we all thought was a good description.

This evening we were to be treated to a spectacular ham hock, pea and home grown asparagus risotto, followed by fresh fruit with a cinnamon syrup and buttery shortbread.  Later after the early to bed crowd had headed to bed, the party members enjoyed a few wines and jokes.  It was a funny night, but as per usual in the morning, we had no idea what was so funny.

Saturday morning consisted of putting up the flag, cooking up a cracking bacon and egg sandwich followed by a trip to get in the food for the evenings catering. The shops were pretty manic, but having got the chores done, and with the wind being a little chilly we had a few relaxing cuppas and a good read of the Saturday papers.  The afternoon nap was accompanied by Radio Norfolk where Norwich City managed to still lose whilst they were playing against 10 men for half of the match.

After catching up with a few zzzz's we headed out of the site on the footpath opposite to wake ourselves up, make the most of a bit of sunshine and also do a recce in case anywhere nearby was more suitable for the Easter Sunday Egg Hunt.

Although the area was not good for the hunt (due to nettles and other things), it was a good little ramble.  Willows swaying in the stiff breeze, bee hives, a dogfight between two buzzards and a pair of feisty crows, and the siting of a Wheatear made it a pleasant hour, and helped us forget the football score.

All hands on deck for the evening meal, with a Greek bias - lamb burgers (cooked to perfection by Alfie Snr on the Cadac), Greek salad, pitta breads followed by Eton Mess.  All excellent.  Then the pennies came out for a game of Newmarket with Jane's new GIANT playing cards.  There were advantages and disadvantages of these.  We could all easily see our hands in the low light of the awning, but holding them was a bit more problematic! 

Sunday morning was bright and breezy, following much rain and wind overnight. This fell well for the annual Easter Egg Hunt for our grand nephew Alfie, who at almost seven was still very keen.  There were not many options at the site for decent hidey holes, but we did a good job and Alfie had to work hard to find the 36 odd treats out in the wilderness.

We then walked to the pub in nearby Haughley via some pretty footpaths with two geocaches nabbed en route. Haughley is a pretty little village with a long gone Mott and Bailey castle with moat, an interesting church and quite a lot of amenities, such as a baker, coop, Indian restaurant and a good pub. By now we had been joined by our niece Clare, her husband Jamie and their beautiful new baby girl Edith Iris (Eddy) who was on her best behaviour.  We had a good Sunday lunch, and I give special mention to the Banana bread and butter pudding with salted caramel sauce and peanut butter ice cream.  Richard also raved about the chocolate goo with homemade honeycomb.

After the walk home and a cuddle with the baby and a chat with nephew Brendon, we have a caravan nap, with the accompaniment of steady rain - always a good combo. We had to get our strength up for the event of the weekend - Alfie's Easter party.

Alfie and Jamie Mills carefully set out the venue. All the party food was assembled along with music, lights and games.  Everyone including little Souca the dog had to have a glow bracelet. The ice was broken with a stiffly competitive dancing competition, to the sound of the Bee Gees.  Alfie Jnr was the victor closely followed by his Dad.  Next up was the picture consequences game.  Then a raucous few rounds of Heads Up, and finally a balloon blowing up contest. What a great, funny night with everyone up for a good time.

All in all a good time had by everyone.  We had a few issues between us such as hitch problems, a bad back incident, caravan tyre puncture and indicator failure, but overall none affected the Easter fun.

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