Monday 24 April 2017

Great Ellingham Norfolk - Fishing!

Second weekend on the trot that we get Blossom out on the road.  Early getaway from work and on the road by 3.30pm. No one around at Mill Farm CL, so quick set up, with a perfectly level pitch - bonus!

Not much chance to settle in or explore as we have a very important date with our favourite little grand nephew who turned seven today.  Back then to Frankie and Benny's in Bury St Ed's. It was great to see such a smiley and happy birthday boy.  Back to the site by 9.30pm and a get together with friends on site for a few wines.

Saturday dawned a little dull, but the boys headed off to the lake a few hundred feet away! They really are pretty little lakes. The girls got the breakfast on and in a short rain shower delivered sausage bacon and egg sandwiches to the fisherman.

Half an hour later the sun is out and fish are starting to bite on the lake. The day's catch includes common, mirror and one large Crucian carp, up to the weightiest specimen at 11lb.  Whilst the fisherman concentrate on their friendly but slightly competitive catch, the girls head into Wymondham. We find some lovely individual shops in the charming town.  Firstly a gift/home shop with lots of beautiful things.  We each buy our/selves a little something, and think at Christmas this is the ideal place to shop. The butchers is very traditional with a father and daughter running the business, the father being possibly in his eighties.  They make a special gluten free burger for R, with what seems to be an antique burger press - is this possible! Then we visit our favourite shop - a little off licence where you can buy your wine bottle with stopper and then decant various wines of choice, which change frequently. Also we trialled a Strawberry and black pepper gin, which we also hope to purchase at Christmas.

Afternoon walk to check out The Crown in the village - a friendly place with a classy back garden

The evening meal came together like a dream. thanks to the butchers burgers and supreme accompaniments from Waitrose, with a little help from a fantastic asparagus farm just up the road.   Griddled asparagus with olive oil, a twist of salt and pepper makes a delicious starter. A game of pass the pigs brought the evening to a funny close.

Four contented caravanners left the site mid morning.  We will return here before the end of the summer.

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